Category — Food Advertising
Sneaky Labels: Mott’s Apple Juice 50% Water For Full Price
This one comes courtesy of The Consumerist…
Apparently the new “healthy” Mott’s Plus Light is just regular Mott’s apple juice 50% diluted with water. They both sell for $2.69 too. Sly move, Mott’s.
September 9, 2008 1 Comment
High Fructose Corn Syrup Fights Back: We’re Not THAT Bad For You!
High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has a bad rap these days. For a while now, there has been a very vocal group saying HFCS is the root of all the obesity and diabetes in the United States. And the Corn Refiners Association has finally decided to fight back.
September 2, 2008 2 Comments